Play through the game with notes below, or skip to the bottom of the post to play through the game using a chess viewer.
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 g6
When black has pawns on g6 and d6 in the Sicilian these variations are known as the Dragon. There are many different lines, but one thing is certain: there will be blood.
Black is mixing systems here, as normally the pawn move a6 leads to the Najdorf. If you put the two together you get the Najagon, only joking its the Dragadorf. The Dragadorf is a trendy line in the Dragon, black players need to know their stuff at club level to make this system work.
If I were black I would have taken a good look at 6...Ng4 especially if he wants to add g6 later. If black can exchange white's dark bishop leaving his on the board black's position would be very strong.
The battle lines have been drawn. White will attack the kingside with his pawns with a mighty attack known as the Yugoslav attack.
Simon Williams Writes:
"Black should delay castling until the situation on the kingside has been cleared up. In some cases Black may even prefer to castle on the queenside. Overall, it makes good sense to develop all the black pieces and wait until events have unfolded before considering castling."
in his book 'the new Sicilian dragon', which deals with the Dragadorf excluisivly.
Black's set up should be queen's knight to d7, pawn to b5 and then bishop to b7. Which to pure Dragon players will look quite odd.
White now follows a three step plan.
Step 1 Use his battery on the c1-h6 diagonal to force an exchange of the "Dragon" bishop. This leaves Black weak on the dark squares around his king, ideal for invading white pieces.
Step 2 Launch his pawns towards Black's king forcing further weakness.
Step 3 Move the major pieces on the open files or weak diagonals and deliver mate.
Sounds simple which lead Bobby Fischer to comment
"White's attack almost plays itself... weak players even beat Grandmasters with it." in his 60 memorable games. In fact in game 2 of said book he further boasts
"I have won dozens of skittle games in analogous positions and had it down to a science: pry open the h-file, sac, sac ... MATE!!"
We will see how Jonathan emulates Fischer.
Step 1 complete.
11.0-0-0 is stronger here, as if the game proceedes as the actual game did white will continue his attack, but with an extra move, if the game takes a different path then Be2 can be added later.
Black focuses an attack on White's central knight forcing it to move. I can't fault the logic here and the position seems balanced, so black is doing ok, its just the queen is rather in the way of black's counter attack starting with b5.
The absolute golden rule for black players in the Dragon is start an attack on the queen side. Perhaps Bd7 and then rook c8 are the natural moves.
Step 2 underway. White doesn't fear Bxb3, but that could be Black's best defense.
The side with the least space usually does well to exchange pieces and this line has to be considered. Perhaps 13...Ne5 is the games turning point. Black wants to find a way to force two pieces off and leave the c-file clear, but his plan is too slow... 13...Bxb3 14. axb3 Qd4 15.O-O-O Qxd2+ 16. Rxd2
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Game analysis |
If possible continue with step 2.
The rooks will be needed for step 3.
White will not be side tracked from his plan. 17.f4 may not be the best chess move on the board [Fritz prefers Nd4], but sticking to your plan is vital if at all possible. White's attack is starting to look decisive.
Each pawn move increases the danger for black. For most club players this pressure is too much and cracks quickly appear.
Black bravely counters white's attack by doubling on the c-file. I'm sure black has the exchange sacvifice Rxc3 in his mind. But his attack will always be slower than White's. Perhaps 19...Qa5 is better, as there is danger for white on a1 in some lines, but the queen can swing over to the king-side if necessary for defensive duties.
White continues with step 2 in preparing f6 with the rook supporting, but also step 3 is now in the pipeline.
In a flurry white has completed step 2 and implemented step 3 at top speed. White could have tried the flashy 23.Rxf6 as black can't take due to 24.Nd5+. Black could complecate the issue with 23... Rxc3 and things are looking complicated. White rejects complications in favour of his grand 3 stage plan. If you have a plan stick to it, unless there is a very good reason not to.
Fritz sees 23...Qd8 which keeps black firmily in the game. With the text black's king is hopelessly exposed and the attack plays itself.
White prepares to swing his last heavy piece into the action. As a bonus the rook hels protect the knight on c3.
Black is out of ideas.
All of white's heavy pieces aim at an exposed king, at club level, these attacks never fail. NEVER.
Don't be afraid to sac to clear lines, as if there is enough force there is usually a way to win.
28... gxh5 29. Qf6+ Kg830. Rg1+ Qg7 31. Qxg7#
30...gxh5 is the same result as the note to 28.
31. Qf7+ 31...Kh8 32.(R or Q) xh7 mate 1-0
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