In this game I ground out a victory after winning a pawn early in the game and pressed the advantage into an ending. It wasn't an easy win, which makes me more proud of the achievement.
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164 V Kevin Wilson
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 The Caro-Kann favorite of many world champions. Why? Because it is very solid, which can lead to White players over reaching.
3. exd5 cxd5 4. Bd3 {The exchange variation is popular at club level as the set up is so easy to remember Bd3/Bf4/c3/Qb3/Nd2/Nf3, but has a drawish reputation.}
3. exd5 cxd5 4. Bd3 {The exchange variation is popular at club level as the set up is so easy to remember Bd3/Bf4/c3/Qb3/Nd2/Nf3, but has a drawish reputation.}
4...Nc6 5. Ne2 {White finds another method of defending the d-pawn, c3 is the usual. Therefore White is already deviating from the main exchange set up.}
5...Nf6 6. O-O Bg4 {Perhaps this bishop move isn't the best idea, as the obvious reply is f3 or h3 chasing it away, but f3 especially weakens White's kingside and after Bh5-g6 the bishop will challenge Whites well placed d3 bishop.}
7. f3 Bh5 8. c3 e6 9. Bg5 Bd6 {The idea is to ignore the pin and build up on the b8-h2 diagonal. If White exchanges on f6 then gxf6 is an option to reveal lines of attack on White's castled king.}
10. Nf4? {The knight goes bishop hunting, but I think this is a poor move, as it allows the build up explained in the previous note with a threat.}
10...Qc7 11. g3 {g3 looks a little ugly, but consider some other examples
11.Nxh5 Bxh2+ 12.Kh1 Nxh5
11.Bxf6 Bxf4 12.Bxg7 Bxh2+ 13.Kh1 Rg8 11.Qd2 h6 12.Bxf6 (Nxh5 is line 1, but with the bishop on g5 attacked) Bxf4 losing a piece.}
Back to the game
11...h6 12. Bxf6 Bxf4 13. Be5 {White doesn't want an open or half open g-file, so is forced to retreat the bishop which loses a pawn}
13...Bxe5 14. dxe5 Qb6+ {The check prevents Bb5+}
15. Rf2 Nxe5 16. g4 {Qa4+ looks like a better try, as White's line of play brings the bishop back into play with a gain of tempo.}
16...Nxd3 17. Qxd3 Bg6 18. Qe2 O-O {Black tucks his king away into safety. He has an extra pawn, safer king, Bishop v badly placed knight, weak pawns to target on b2 and f3. Black is better, probably winning, but there is a lot of work to do to collect the full point.}
19. Na3 {How else can the knight develop?}
19...Rac8 {This allows the White queen access to b5, but Black can counter with Qe3 and if the pawn on b7 is captured then White's b-pawn will also fall with a
greater threat on f2.}
20. Re1 a6 {Stopping any entry on b5.}
21. Qe3 Qxe3 {If the rook ending wins for Black then the queen exchange is a very bad move by White, however if the rook ending holds then Black has made the mistake. Usually the side with a material advantage profits from piece exchanges. I would say that Black can win this ending...}
22. Rxe3 b5 {White's knight is frozen out of the game. How can White get the knight involved? Perhaps a
plan based on exchanges on c4?}
23. Ree2 {White is going to reposition the knight via c2. if 23.Nc2 Bxc2 24.Rxc2 allows 24...b4 or 24...d4 when the pawn is pinned.}
23...Rfe8 24. Nc2 Bxc2 25. Rxc2 Rc4 {Black has complete control of the
c-file. The plan is to generate a passed d-pawn. Use the c-file to put
pressure on White's weak pawns and slowly advance the central pawns hoping to
promote the d-pawn}
26. Rcd2 g5 {Fixes the weak f-pawn.}
27. Rfe2 Rec8 28. Kf2 b4 {Creates the passed d-pawn.}
29. cxb4 Rxb4
30. Ke3 Kg7 {The Black king hopes to invade via e5, Black will not allow such a plan to work.}
31. Rc2 Rbc4 {Black will not release control of the only open file.}
32. Rxc4 Rxc4 33. Kf2 d4 {The d-pawn starts rolling, it also takes away the e3 square from the white king. White is now getting squashed. The only concern in this position is the 2 v 1 pawn formation on the queenside.}
27. Rfe2 Rec8 28. Kf2 b4 {Creates the passed d-pawn.}
29. cxb4 Rxb4
30. Ke3 Kg7 {The Black king hopes to invade via e5, Black will not allow such a plan to work.}
31. Rc2 Rbc4 {Black will not release control of the only open file.}
32. Rxc4 Rxc4 33. Kf2 d4 {The d-pawn starts rolling, it also takes away the e3 square from the white king. White is now getting squashed. The only concern in this position is the 2 v 1 pawn formation on the queenside.}
37. Ke4 Ke6 {The White king has a nice central position, but it can not advance and its only retreat square is d3. Such kings can be easily mated by a rook on e3, or if d3 is covered a pawn check on f5. If a mate can not be delivered the threat can often generate some play.}
38. Re2 {A draw was offered here, but the previous note suggests there is still play in the position. One idea is use the a pawn as a way to gain access into the position by
38. Re2 {A draw was offered here, but the previous note suggests there is still play in the position. One idea is use the a pawn as a way to gain access into the position by
removing the guard to c3.}
38...f6 39. Rd2 a5 40. Re2 Rc1 {Another idea is to smoke the king out and then ensure it can not return to such a good square.}
41. Kd3 Kd5 42. Rf2 a4 43. Kd2 Rc7 {Yet another idea is an f or a h pawn push which can be supported by a rook.}
There is no need to hurry when playing endgames like these. There is plenty of time to explore all plans, as there is little White can do. In fact its a good idea to play like this as White is walking a tightrope, one slip he is dead.
38...f6 39. Rd2 a5 40. Re2 Rc1 {Another idea is to smoke the king out and then ensure it can not return to such a good square.}
41. Kd3 Kd5 42. Rf2 a4 43. Kd2 Rc7 {Yet another idea is an f or a h pawn push which can be supported by a rook.}
There is no need to hurry when playing endgames like these. There is plenty of time to explore all plans, as there is little White can do. In fact its a good idea to play like this as White is walking a tightrope, one slip he is dead.
44. Rf1 f5 45. h3 f4 {The pawn advances, as any pawn race between say a black d-pawn and White's a-pawn will now result in an easy break through}
46. Re1 Rc5 {Frees the king for a stroll if he feels like it.}
47. Kd3 a3 {The pawn crashes into White's duo on a2 and b2. The whole point is to clear the c3 square.}
48.Re2 Rc1 {Black can also invade via the e-file. We could see White offering an exchange of rooks here. But that simply allows the pawns to march on. I can't see how White can hold this position.}
49. Rf2 (49. Rc2 Rxc2 50. Kxc2 axb2 51. Kxb2 Kc4 52. a4 Kb4)
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Analysis |
49... Re1 50. bxa3 Re3+ 51. Kc2 Rxa3 52. Kb2 Rc3 {The king is trapped in a tiny box in the corner. Any advance by the a-pawn will be caught by the king.}
53. a4 Kc4 54. Rc2 {White realises the pawn ending is lost.} 0-1
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Now then Kev.
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